
The Truth Is... Sometimes I Miss You So Much I Can Hardly Stand It, 2013
Acrylic Paint on Canvas, 460 x 1100mm, Private Collection

In a Suspended State
Project Statement

''In a Suspended State' relates to the suspension of the narrative of a cinematic still image and the way paintings seduce the viewer, how they can fix their gaze. Both image and viewer are 'In a Suspended State'.

Each painting is derived from an original photograph and presented to mirror the aspect ratio of current anamorphic (widescreen) films of 2.39:1. This gives the paintings a recognisable format and fixes the paintings not only in a photographic context but also a cinematic one. This instantly invites a narrative to be placed on the work by the viewer.


"Simon Taylor’s photoreal paintings transcend not only photography but painting itself. ."  
© Jo Manby - Full text here